Telephone number porting is the process of moving telephone numbers from one carrier to another. This process is commonly required when changing phone service providers. To complete the process, your new provider must present a sign Letter of Authority or Authorization (LOA) which entitles them to act on your behalf to direct the process.
We will assist completing the LOA documents, but we need information from you to get started. Documents commonly required include:
- An invoice from the previous provider that’s shows
- The phone number(s) to port
- The customer (personal or company) name
- The proper name and service address of the telephone numbers
In the event you notice any issues with your existing account information, please contact us before requesting any changes. Changes will often cause a delay in the porting process.
Working with you, we will create one or more LOA's (typically one LOA is required per account per carrier, but may contain multiple phone numbers.
Here is an example of a blank LOA form:
The LOA form uses ranges to make it easy to enter multiple numbers. Each range can either be ported (Port), left behind with the old provider (Leave), or disconnected (Disconnect). Once porting is complete, you will need to watch your next invoice / final invoice from your old carrier or contact them proactively to ensure that all billing is correct or has been stopped completely.
When completed, LOA's must be printed, signed, and returned per the instructions in the form package. Returning your LOA is required to port, but we will not port until you are ready with your new phones and system.
Tips for a successful porting experience:
If you have any questions, doubts or concerns please ask your representative for assistance, but please consider the following tips:
- Before beginning, collect all information regarding your existing phone services, including invoices, contact numbers, account numbers, etc.
- Note that porting your numbers does not change any contractual obligations with any other party - if you are unsure please check your contract status, and for your own records try to get confirmation in writing to protect yourself from any mistakes / bad service with the losing carrier.
- Decide which numbers you need to port, and which (if any) you leave active or disconnect.
- If you have “over lines” or “pseudo numbers” associated with your services, please ask your representative for assistance. Often this is not an issue, but with some carriers (primarily Bell and Telus), not knowing all your phone numbers can be a reason they may delay release of your numbers. A call to the old carrier can help you “inventory” these numbers. We can help you with this request!
- Most times you will want to start service with your new provider (us!) immediately. A good transition strategy is to call forward old numbers with an old provider to new temporary numbers provided to you (by us) for the duration of the process. Unless otherwise specified / agreed, temporary numbers will be reclaimed / and released or reallocated upon completion of the process. Ask your representative for assistance in creating a good transition strategy. Please remember some carriers may require time to enable a call forwarding plan.
Details to be aware of:
- It may normally take anywhere from five to thirty business days to complete the porting process. If at any time information is incomplete in any way the process will stop and documentation may need to be resubmitted. Most ports (95%+) can be completed in one week.
- During the porting process services from the previous provider may still be in affect.
- The client will be responsible for charges incurred from the previous carrier; your prompt cooperation can save you money.
- The client is solely responsible, and is the only authority that can discontinue services with a previous provider - we can request number disconnection but are unable to verify.
- It is the responsibility of the client to submit accurate information on a timely basis as requested by the porting manager. Failure to do so will result in delay or failure of the process and may require it to be restarted from the beginning.
The process is complex, but we have years of experience and are dedicated to a smooth transition.
Thank you,
BitBlock Systems, Inc.