
Knowledge Base - How do I share my calendar? [Office 365 / Outlook]

To change your calendar permissions, you need to alter the properties on the calendar folder – first we need to show that folder.


At the bottom of the navigation pane, left click the three dots, and then left click Folders:

Outlook 2016 - Show Folders


In the folder list, right click on the calendar, and left click Sharing Permissions:

Outlook 2016 - Calendar Sharing Permissions


By default, the permissions will look like this:

Outlook 2016 - Default Calendar Permissions


To enable co-workers to be aware of your calendar events / schedule, you can change the option to “Can view titles and locations” (which leaves your notes private), or “Can view all details” which includes access to the notes. Alternatively, you can press the Add button to add specific users to the list which enables you to customize those permissions.


When selecting an individual with access, an additional permission (Delegate) is available. The delegate permission enables someone to act on your behalf for your calendar. This person can not only edit your calendar entries, but can also create new meeting requests and respond to them on your behalf. Delegates can be selectively allowed to view private events as well:

Outlook 2016 - Custom Calendar Permissions


When you have enabled your co-workers to view your schedule, you can still keep some appointments private. To make an appointment private, just left click the “Private” button while editing:


This will ensure the time is shown as occupied, but the details are not shared. This is great for booking personal time / time off without sharing personal details.

Keeping your calendar a complete representation of at least your “business day” will help your co-workers if they need to coordinate time with you.

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